The kitchen is a very important part of your house. It’s where friends and family meet to share conversations and meals. That’s why it’s so important for it to have the right amount of space in order to keep everyone comfortable. Sometimes a kitchen island is a response to that. However, don´t get Home Improvement full mode on just yet! Here are 5 things you need to do before you get handy.

Make sure you have the time and resources for the project

While making your own kitchen island might seem like a fun project, it could become a problem if you don’t sit down to think every detail through. Will you have to spend extra just for the materials? Maybe you know someone who can get your supplies for a lot less. How long is the project going to take? The sooner you answer all these questions the faster you‘ll get started and the smoother your project will go.

Draw the design

If the previous step has gone well, you are now ready to begin. Draw what you’ve already pictured in your head. Try to be as detailed as possible. If this is your first time, it’s always a good idea to find inspiration on social networks such as Pinterest or to look up different models online.


Get a second opinion

Even if you’re absolutely sure about that design you’ve chosen, there is a high chance you might regret it half-way through the construction process. To avoid this, make sure you contact an expert –someone who is qualified in interior design or architecture- to assess you with all the questions you might have about the making of a kitchen island. What can take you hours to figure out may take an expert one glance.

Get help

Find someone trustworthy who can give you an extra hand with things you may not be good at, be it nailing, screwing, cutting wood, even the color of the paint you’ll use to cover the island once it’s finished. You’ll be much more confident if you have a friend or spouse pitching in with ideas.


Get started

Measure the exact proportions of the area where your kitchen is located and find some cardboard to make a mock kitchen island model. This way you will have a mild idea of the area you’ll be using and if it fit your kitchen. Also, keep in mind not every unit looks good on just about any kitchen.  It’s very important that your kitchen island can actually complement the cooking area instead of adding to the noise.